Nice to meet you, i am

Josh Galindo

Josh Galindo and his wife, Krystal, wearing all black.
My Story

Growing up, I was raised by a single mother. Although she did an exceptional job, she could never fill the void left by my absent father.

His absence plunged me into a world of turmoil. I found myself entangled in gangs, immersed in destructive behaviors involving sex, drugs, and alcohol. My academic and personal life were in shambles, spiraling towards failure. Then, at the age of 16, I was ripped from my bed and taken to Ensenada, Mexico where I was enrolled in a program and stripped of every freedom I once took for granted.

While in Mexico, I discovered the power of programming my brain and its significance in becoming a valuable member of society. I learned to live strategically, with purpose and intention. No longer drifting aimlessly like a feather in the wind, I gained control over my life.

After completing the 16-month program, I reentered society and briefly reverted to my old habits. However, I swiftly changed my path, facing life head-on with determination. I left high school and dismissed the idea of college. Instead, I fearlessly dove into the challenging world of Real Estate, driven by my passion for financial abundance and forging connections. I established Galindo Group Real Estate, initially a small brokerage with only myself, which has since flourished into a team of over 100 agents.

I started flipping homes and rapidly scaled the business from just a couple of projects per year to successfully flipping over 1,000+ homes to date. As a result, I have amassed a rental portfolio that has brought my family and I financial freedom.

I have been happily married for 12 years and am raising four beautiful children with my wife Krystal, who recently beat the living shit out of breast cancer. So yes, my wife & I can now add breast cancer survivors to our list of accomplishments.

I am passionate about teaching and sharing knowledge, which brings me fulfillment in life. I strongly believe in helping others succeed, but I also recognize that achieving success and fulfillment requires significant effort, commitment, and support from those who understand themselves well. Let's embark on this journey together!

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